Base Select

Base Select is a vue component useful to manage easily variants, options, icons, and other things according to the props.

Model Value

The model value of the base select component is the value of the selected option. It will be automated updated when we select/unselect an option. If is't a multiple select, the model value will be an array of the selected options.

Model Value: null

    <BaseSelect label="Model Value" :options="options" v-model="myValue" />
    <p> Model Value: <code style="color: #6AAF85;">{{ JSON.stringify(myValue) }}</code> </p>

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { ref } from 'vue'
  import { BaseSelect, NormalOption } from 'vuetage'

  const myValue = ref<NormalOption>(null)
  const options = [
    { value: '1', text: 'Option 1' },
    { value: '2', text: 'Option 2' },
    { value: '3', text: 'Option 3' },



There are 2 ways to pass the options props to the component:

  • Normal

This is the more common select options, this will be used to define the available options to the component.

  <BaseSelect label="Normal Options" :options="options" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { BaseSelect, NormalOption } from 'vuetage'

const options = ref<NormalOption[]>([
  { value: '1', text: 'Option 1' },
  { value: '2', text: 'Option 2' },
  { value: '3', text: 'Option 3' },

  • Grouped

This is the grouped select options, this will be used to define the available options with a specified group to each option to the component.

  <BaseSelect label="Group Options" :options="options" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { BaseSelect, GroupOption } from 'vuetage'

const options = ref<GroupOption[]>([
    group: 'Group 1',
    items: [
      { value: '1', text: 'Option 1' },
      { value: '2', text: 'Option 2' },
      { value: '3', text: 'Option 3' },
    group: 'Group 2',
    items: [
      { value: '4', text: 'Option 4' },
      { value: '5', text: 'Option 5' },
      { value: '6', text: 'Option 6' },


This prop is used to define if the select component are multiple or not. The default value is false.

If the base select is multiple, we can select more than one option as show below.

<BaseSelect :options="options" multiple />


The variant prop is used to define the variant of the select component. The available variants are:

  • default

This is the default value for variant props of the base select component.

<BaseSelect label="Default" :options="options"/>

  • outlined

This is the outlined value for variant props of the base select component.

<BaseSelect label="Outlined" :options="options" variant="outlined" />

  • underlined

This is the underlined value for variant props of the base select component.

<BaseSelect label="Underlined" :options="options" variant="underlined" />

  • dark

This is the dark value for variant props of the base select component.

<BaseSelect label="Dark" :options="options" variant="dark" />


This prop is used to define the label of the select component.

<BaseSelect label="Label" :options="options" />

Close on select

This prop is used to define if the menu is closed when an option is selected. The default value is true for normal options, and false for grouped options.

<BaseSelect variant="underlined" label="Close on select" :options="options" :close-on-select="false" />


This prop defines if the select component is loading or not. The default value is false.

<BaseSelect label="Loading" variant="outlined" :loading="true" />

There are some props related for the loading props:

loadingbooleanfalseDefine if the component is in loading.
useBorderLoadingbooleanfalseDefine if the loading will be an spinner or border loading style.
loadingColorstringblackDefine the color of spinner or border loading.
loadingSizestringsmall(0.7em) for spinner or 2px for border loadingDefine the size of spinner or border loading.
disableOnLoadingbooleanfalseDefine if when the props "loading" be true the field will be disabled or not.


This prop defines if the select component is disabled or not. The default value is false.

<BaseSelect label="Disabled" :disabled="true" />


We can add icons to the input, we have 2 kinds of icons, the left icon, and the right icon. The available icons are the same that we can use in font awesome. But if you have another library that adds an icon using this syntax "<i class="icon"></i>", you can use it passing it as a prop value.

Left Icon

This is a prop to add an icon to the left of the input.

<BaseSelect label="Left Icon" :options="options" left-icon="fa fa-fire" />

Right Icon

This is a prop to add an icon to the left of the input.


The right icon passed as prop will replace the default icon that is the arrow down("fa fa-caret-down").

<BaseSelect label="Left Icon" :options="options" left-icon="fa fa-fire" />


There are some props to help you to customize the select component. For these props, you can use the same syntax that you use in the style of some vue component.

You can also edit the hover passing the style as an object inside the hover key, as show below.

      backgroundColor: '#90ee90',
      color: 'green',
      // You can use any style that you use in the style prop. It will be applied when the mouse is over the component.
      hover: { 
        backgroundColor: 'yellow',
        color: 'green',

Input Style

This prop will modify the style of the input.

<BaseSelect label="Input Style" :options="options" input-style="background-color: #90ee90; color: green;" />

Label Style

This prop will modify the style of the label.

<BaseSelect label="Label Style" :options="options" label-style="color: red;" />

This prop will modify the style of the menu.

<BaseSelect label="Menu Style" :options="options" menu-style="background-color: #90ee90; color: green;" />

Item Style

This prop will modify the style of the menu item.

<BaseSelect label="Menu Item Style" :options="options" item-style="background-color: #90ee90; color: green;" />

Group Style

This prop will modify the style of the menu group.

<BaseSelect label="Menu Group Style" :options="options" group-style="background-color: #90ee90; color: green;" />

Custom Class

We can use the custom class to add some style with tailwind css, for example.

<BaseSelect label="Custom Class" :options="options" custom-class="rounded-none" />

There are some slots that you can use to customize the select component.

rightIconReplace content of right icon
menuReplace the menu when the user clicks on base select to select options (you receive if the menu is opened in "show" attribute, and the options)
itemReplace each item content inside menu when the user clicks on base select (you receive the option, and index to use)

Slot Examples

This is an example of how to use the menu slot to customize the menu.

<BaseSelect label="Menu Slot" :options="options">
  <template #menu="{ show, options }">
    <BaseMenu :show="show">
      <BaseItem v-for="(option, index) in options" :key="index">
        <i :class="option.icon"></i> {{ option.text }}

Item Slot

This is an example of how to use the item slot to customize the item.

<BaseSelect label="Item Slot" :options="options">
  <template #item="{ option, index }">
    <BaseItem :key="index">
      <i :class="option.icon"></i> {{ option.text }}