TODO list for the documentation

  • Add doc for BaseButton
  • Add doc for BaseTextField
  • Add doc for BaseSelect
  • Add doc for BaseGroup
  • Add doc for BaseItem
  • Add doc for BaseMenu
  • BUG | Fix the wrong doc layout when we select props in the sidebar
  • BUG | Fix footer breaking layout in mobile vision
  • Add doc for all components about the customClass prop
  • Add a loading when we change the route, there is a delay when we change from homepage route to doc route
  • BUG | Fix wrong redirection when click on disabled component in /components route
  • BUG | Fix the wrong behavior of sidebar disappearing when we click on the link about some props or children links
  • Talk about the custom size in size props from BaseButton in the doc
  • Add doc for BaseAutocomplete
  • Add event "enter" for base text field